Sunday, December 7, 2014

Exploring Sandi Land in West Palm Beach

I was supposed to go to Clematis by Night event on Thursday when West Palm Beach would light its 600-ton sand tree, but the downtown was mobbed. The  closest parking was about a mile away from the waterfront. My friends begged off and chose CityPlace instead for our Girls Night Out.

So I had to wait until Saturday morning when I usually drive up to West Palm Beach for yoga at its library and veggie shopping at its GreenMarket. The 35-foot tall sand sculpture was awesome.

The sculpture was decorated with a Christmas tropical theme.

It all started back in November, Nov. 17 to be precise, when a semi filled with sand dumped its load onto the grass at the Waterfront Commons.

(Photo by @aGuyOnClematis)

Just hours before the Sandi Tree would be lit, two of her Secret Service employees
worked feverishly to finish the sculpture. (Photo by @aGuyOnClematis)

The result was this:

Fence surrounded Sandi to keep trespassers away, but not
entirely. While I was at the waterfront Saturday, a teenage
male hopped over the fence and back out -- saying, oops!

Sandi proved popular with passers-by who had smart phones
equipped with a camera. Even at midday, the sculpture was

The Sandi Tree will be lit nightly through the end of the month featuring music shows. Four additional 25-ton sculptures are nearby, each with its own holiday and tropical theme. She even has her own Twitter handle: @SandiTreeWPB.

I racked up an extra half mile just walking around the tree from different angles.

Opening night scene, courtesy city of West Palm Beach

It's free fun, especially when you don't have to pay for parking evenings, Saturday morning or all day Sunday.

And now, for my numbers

I had me best walking day last week on Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014, when I walked:

Steps: 13,183
Miles: 6.6

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